CX Fanatics Podcast
Hi! Welcome to the CX Fanatics Show. Did you know it can cost 5 times more to attain new customers than to retain existing customers? But most of the time customer experience is passed off as customer service (CX as the cool kids say) - and that’s just plain wrong. Because CX is its own animal and a MUCH bigger component of business than most people realize. Customer Experience when it’s exceptional is THE best way to keep current customers (or leads) happy and turn them into raving brand ambassadors. This channel focuses on weaving customer experience throughout your business to increase revenue, retention, and referrals. Tune in weekly for expert interviews, customer experience and marketing strategy, and the latest CX trends. Use what you learn to create the BEST customer experience for your clients - turning them into raving fans while increasing your revenue and profit. Get a jump start on doubling your profits in 60 days - with this free guide (download it here) ➡️
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
3 Email Sequences You Can Use To Increase Sales
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Can I see a show of hands real quick?
How many of you out there reading have set up a single email to deliver your free download and have called it an email sequence?
My guess is that more than one of your raised your hand.
But the reality is that it takes 8 times or more for the human brain to absorb information.
Meaning, if you aren't staying in front of your leads at least 8 times, they have already forgotten about you.
In this week's Feed U Podcast episode, I talk about the 3 most important email sequences you can create in your business. You can tune into the entire episode here.
Before you start to worry . . .
These sequences are important, but, they don't all have to be set up right this minute. I know you have a business to run and sometimes marketing takes a back burner. In the episode, I go into detail about each sequence. I encourage you to choose which one you think will have the biggest impact on your business today and start there.
Without further ado, here's the short version of those email sequences:
1. The Nurture Sequence
This is the sequence that is your "hey, good to know you" sequence. It's your opportunity to build the relationship, gain trust, and move that need subscriber into a paid product. You CANNOT do that in one email. It will take some insight into your customer and also some ingenuity. This is critical if you are growing your list and trying to convert new leads into customers. Also, leads shouldn't drop off into oblivion after this sequence, strategize where they can go next.
2. The Re-Engagement (break up) Sequence
I talk quite in-depth about the mindset around the break-up sequence in Episode 108, but here's the dealio. If you have peeps on your list that aren't opening or engaging with your emails, you are paying for those peeps. Regardless of what you send them. If they aren't interested, let them go and make room for the people who DO want to hear from you. Holding onto subscribers for vanity is not helping your business. It is MUCH better to have a list of leads than it is to have a list of emails who never buy from you.
3. Cart Abandon Sequence
I lay down some serious stats in this piece of the episode regarding conversion. >>>SNEAK PEAK
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
107 Why Your Marketing Is Being Ignored
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Why is your marketing being ignored?
Marketing can be summed up by one phrase, get the right message in front of the right people at the right time.
But, what most businesses do is create one message for everyone. If your potential client is not at that phase of their customer journey, they are going to pass you by like a wooly sweater sale in July.
In this week's podcast episode I share the three ways to stop the scroll, grab the attention of your audience, and get traction with your marketing.
I even threw in a bonus tip to help you narrow down your messaging. You can listen to the complete episode here.
Here are the cliff notes for you:
The biggest mistake most business owners make is trying to create one version of their messaging that applies to everyone. I spend the first 10ish minutes of Episode 107 explaining the buyers' journey (customer journey) in very simple terms.
There are three levels, learn about those here and only the first level has buyers that are ready to pull out their credit card and buy. But . . . don't get your dancing pants on yet . . . that's only a conversion rate of 8%. Which means, you are leaving the other 91% singing in the rain. We have GOT to go get that other 81 %, otherwise, we are working too hard and constantly struggling to find new customers.
After you figure out where your new lead is on the buyers' journey. . .
Then your marketing traction boils down to 3 simple things.
1. Delivering the right message (in their language) to the right person at the right time.
2. Making sure you stay top of mind, that they know who you are and how to buy your products or services.
3. Standing out from the crowd (read stop being a snooze fest!)
I cover each of those in-depth in this episode, plus give you a bonus tip on how to find the words your audience is looking for (in case you're stuck!). You can listen to the whole episode here.
If you loved this episode . . .
I would be so grateful if you would share it with a friend and leave me a review over on iTunes so that we can help more people grow their businesses.
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
The 3800% ROI Marketing Strategy
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Which email strategy will give you up to a 3800% return on investment?
If your a frequent podcast listener and you haven't guessed yet, I will be surprised. If you've tuned into any number of Feed U Podcast episodes, you know I'm a HUGE fan of email marketing done right. Notice that last part "done right". In Episode 106 of the Feed U Podcast, I lay out some of the latest email marketing stats that will have you salivating.
If you're ready to take your marketing to task, then this is the episode for you.
Email is the best return on investment marketing strategy hands down. In this week's episode, I give you the facts, stats, and tips on how to clean up your email and make it work for you and your business. Listen to the entire episode here.
First, the facts:
According to this Hubspot Study,
Every $1 spent on email marketing has a return on investment of $38.
If we compare that to the average cost of a Google ad which is approximately $2 in ROI for every $1 spent (campaign monitor) there is a big difference in ROI. So, maybe $38 doesn't seem like much. Let's take a real-world example. If you were to spend $100 on your email marketing using the average ROI you could generate $3800. Now, let's compare that to Google. That same $100 would only generate $200. $200 vs. $3800, I know which I would pick.
73% of millennials prefer business communication via email.
This stat surprised even me. Millennials being known for their text preferences, who knew that they actually preferred to do business via email? So what does that mean to you? If you are trying to woo the millennial generation, you better up your email game. (more tips on that in the episode)
78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement in the last 12 months.
What does that mean to you? You're not a marketer (or maybe you are). Well, those marketers represent brands and businesses. They work with all types of industries and are giving their perspective based on the success of their clients. That means you. If it's working for them, it can and will work for you. Let's take note of one VERY important word in that stat. "engagement". Not only are subscribers opting in and receiving the email, but they are also in some way engaging with the email. Translation - they are opening, reading, and or clicking - or all three. Engagement is the key. If you can get in front of your audience and get them to engage, that is when profit shifts happen.
In Episode 106 several other stats are mentioned, give it a listen to get all the latest email marketing data.
I also give you my perspective on why people are more engaged now and will be in the future as well as 5 hiccups to avoid with your email marketing so that you can gain traction and not steer your subscribers away or toward your competitors. Tune in to the episode to get all the details.
What did you learn from this episode?
Come and tell me in the Facebook Group. Not in the group yet? Consider this your official invitation to join the Small Business Builders Community in the Facebook Group. Small Business owners unite to feed each other with inspiration, information, experiences, and knowledge.
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
The Role Seasonal Changes Play In Your Business
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
The first day of fall brings external and internal change.
But are you aware of the impact that seasonal changes bring to your business and success? We are connected to nature whether we are aware of that connection or not. In this episode, I talk about the way each season impacts us and our business.
If you are making decisions in your business without seasonal alignment and are struggling, this episode may shine some light on why.
The 22nd (when the episode was recorded) was the Fall Equinox. With that comes shifts from outward work to inward connection and reflection. As we move toward winter, our goals and focus should shift as well.
In Episode 105, I discuss the different phases of planning and aligning your business with each season.
Because we are entering in fall, I began with the fall season.
During the fall, our businesses and our lives should focus on the harvest. This will make more sense as we move through the other seasons. But this, as in nature, is the time we gather our rewards for the hard work we produced. Whether that is financial or in recognition. If you notice, many of the awards shows are held in the fall season. In fact, just this past week was the Emmy Awards. I bet you didn't even realize that the alignment of rewards and recognition of the year's worth of work, happened during the fall season. If we focus our business on gratitude, resources, our wealth, and what we need to let go of - we will align with the fall season. Just as nature lets go, leaves falling from trees, gardens dying back to rejuvenate the soil for spring, we also must let go. Make space for creativity and planning and what is to come. Learn more by listening to the entire episode.
During the winter our focus should be toward hibernation, rest, recuperation, and inward reflection. This is the time when we set our goals for the coming year. Allow new ideas to percolate and come to us. Dive into our purpose and the alignment we have with what we want to accomplish on a bigger scale, the scale of who we are as humans. As the years pass, are we in tune with what we want to leave as a legacy for future generations? Are we moving toward that legacy and the reasons we started our business in the first place? Winter gives us the space (and the darkness with shorter days) to go within, rest and reflect.
If fall is the season of harvest, then spring is when we plant the seeds so that we will have something to harvest. This is the time of putting new ideas into action. Renewing our zest for what we do, what we want to accomplish, and the impact we want to make. It's time to begin plans to launch new products or services. To bring the ideas we have been creating focused on during the winter to the light of spring so that they can bloom forth.
As we come to the end of this summer we can reflect back on the power of the sun. The warmth it shines, even in offering relief (although temporary) from the Coronavirus. The sun is powerful - and with longer days and shorter nights, we are filled with power. Power to put the energy into ensuring our well-laid summer plans come to fruition. It's when we put the action fully into achieving our goals. We are fueled by connection, growth, and accomplishment. This is when the "big" growth happens for us and our business. It is the accumulation of what we planned for during the winter and spring. For the low-down on all of the seasons, be sure to tune into this week's episode.
What does this alignment truly mean for your business?
When you are aligned with the seasons, you:
Become more aware of what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what you truly want out of life and your business.
You eliminate outside distractions, activities, and focus stealers so that you can truly align with what brings you joy and success. (However you choose to define it.)
You free up your time to focus on your true purpose, and the legacy you are meant to leave.
In the episode, I challenge you to look at the season your business is in and evaluate, just like nature, what you need to let go of so that you can make space for what is to come.
I encourage you to pull out a piece of paper, draw two columns, and label them simple keep and stop. Identify the pieces of your business that it is time to let go of. This could be relationships, clients, products, services, ways you are spending time, etc. Letting go of them may not mean eliminating them altogether. It could simply mean outsourcing them or setting them aside to reevaluate in the spring. The idea is, where will you make space for the new? Because without space, there is no room for the "new" to settle in and find it's way to you.
I would love for you to share what you are letting go of over in the Facebook group so that we can support one another.
What did you learn from this episode?
Come and tell me in the Facebook Group. Not in the group yet? Consider this your official invitation to join the Small Business Builders Community in the Facebook Group. Small Business owners unite to feed each other with inspiration, information, experiences, and knowledge.
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
The #1 Reason Your Email Marketing Is Failing You
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Email marketing can seem overwhelming . . .
And when you aren't having the success you want, it can also be frustrating. But, you could have picked up some really bad habits along the way that are not helping you in the way of email marketing success. This week I share three email experiences, my reaction, and how to improve them in Episode 104 of the Feed U Podcast.
If you're sick of fighting with your email conversion, tune in to this week's episode and learn:
The #1 thing that is causing your email marketing to fail and three important lessons to learn from, so you don't eliminate your customer connection before you even have a chance to build it. Losing your leads before they have even had the chance to get to know you and fall in love with your brand.
In the episode, I talk about the GDPR (which is legal speak for don't add people to your list without permission.) I also reference this interview Episode with Aidan Durham. She gives you the entire scoop on GDPR and what it means to your email marketing and your business.
I also give you 3 specific "no go" email experiences that you DO NOT want to repeat. This episode is short but mighty and you definitely want to tune in to get all the details. I talk about being on the receiving email end from someone who only shows up when they are ready to sell me into something and how yucky it feels to be used for sales and ignored the rest of the time.
This isn't nurturing, this is straight-up used car salesman territory and there are better ways to grow and build your audience.
I also talk about audience size and how size is MUCH less important than engagement and interest in you and what you do. You need to listen to the whole episode to get all the details on that.
The second example was from my experience of signing up for a new membership. How the onboarding system went (or in this case, didn't) and how to ensure that providing your new customers a top-notch experience will skyrocket you past the competition. There were some definite hiccups in this process, and I share them with you here.
Last but not least, I tell you the story about the email from someone I met over 5 years ago and I never asked to be on their list. (See GDPR note above). This is not only a great way to piss people off (had to be said) but it's also illegal in a LOT of places (all of Europe, CA, HI, MD, MA, NJ, NY, WA, and the list keeps growing.) Protecting personal data is A BIG DEAL. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg who had to fork out $5 Billion dollars in fines. This is a PRIME example of what not to do. Be sure to listen in as I talk you through that example.
That's a wrap for this week. I would love to hear which email marketing "don't" you've experienced from this episode. Head on over to the Facebook group and let me know.
What did you learn from this episode?
Come and tell me in the Facebook Group. Not in the group yet? Consider this your official invitation to join the Small Business Builders Community in the Facebook Group. Small Business owners unite to feed each other with inspiration, information, experiences, and knowledge.
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
3 Ways To Measure Your Marketing Investment
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
If you are like most business owners . . .
You have invested in some type of marketing for your business that you couldn't track results for. It's easy to be talked into investing your time and money into Facebook Ads, Google Ads, SEO, and all kinds of marketing that involves posting on numerous platforms.
But, if you are also like most business owners, you don't have any idea whether or not it's working and are too busy to track the ROI.
No one is blaming you, you're busy and are trying to run a business for goodness sake. This is why in Episode 103 I talk about the 3 BIG ways you can measure what is working and what is not, as well as, share with you some of the best questions I've learned to ask before hiring anyone for your marketing. It will save you time, frustration, and money. So be sure to tune into the entire episode here.
I spend a good chunk of the beginning of the episode talking about something you may not think is very important, but it's critical to succeeding with ANY marketing you invest him. Your sales funnel MUST connect to every product and activity that you engage in, to market your business. It's definitely worth a listen if you just tune into this part because in my experience THIS single piece is what over 85% of businesses are missing when it comes to their strategy.
Here are the other 3 ways you can measure, tweak, and fine-tune your marketing activities.
1. Becoming aware of your email subscriber opt-ins.
If you do not have analytics set up to track your opt-ins it's going to be impossible to track whether or not something is actually converting. The beginning of your funnel is your email subscriber in nearly all cases. But, if you don't check in with your analytics to see if people are opting in, then how will you know if your list is growing? These can be found in your email service provider (ESP) (like ConvertKit-they are my favorite) or by using a 3rd party system like Lead Pages. You can also usually find this information by evaluating your opt-in form, I use a plugin called Bloom by Elegant Themes. But you can easily use the form created directly in your ESP. Regardless of how you track, it's a good idea to compare all the entry points to be sure they are consistent with your subscriber growth.
2. Measure traction with our ad account analytics.
Add accounts, and especially analytics can seem overwhelming if you aren't familiar with the backend. But don't let the technology intimidate you. Learning even the basics can open up a wealth of information for you to understand your ideal customer, as well as, what is engaging them and what is not. Spending a little bit of time with your ad analytics will tell you the story of where to spend money on ads and where not to. For example, if all of your subscribers are on YouTube, you probably don't want to spend a ton of money on Facebook Ads, you want to spend the money on YouTube. But without analyzing and testing, you wouldn't have this information.
3. Google Analytics is your new best friend.
There is a wealth of information available on Google Analytics if you connect it to your website. Even if you NEVER run a Google Ad. It is definitely beneficial to take a high-level look at your analytics on a regular basis (once a month-ish) to see who is visiting your site, how much time they spend, and what brings them there. I mention the WordPress Plugin Monster Insights as a good tool to use. But you don't have to have WordPress to utilize Google Analytics.
That's a wrap for this week. I would love to hear what tool you are going to dive into to measure your marketing from this episode. Head on over to the Facebook group and let me know.
What did you learn from this episode?
Come and tell me in the Facebook Group. Not in the group yet? Consider this your official invitation to join the Small Business Builders Community in the Facebook Group. Small Business owners unite to feed each other with inspiration, information, experiences, and knowledge.
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
The #1 Thing You Can Do To Scale Your Business This Year
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
I know underneath all your goals for your business is the one thing you TRULY want.
It's what we all want. Why we got into this entrepreneurial gig, to begin with. Freedom. Sweet freedom. But, if you're like most of us - freedom is in a land far far away. Probably where Tattoo lives with Mr. Roarke.
But, what if the only thing getting in your way of sweet sweet freedom was you?
In Episode 102 I share the #1 thing that you can do to scale your business this year. And, you may not like the answer. Or you may surprise yourself and realize the answer was there all along, you just couldn't see the forest through the trees. You can listen to the entire episode here.
But, in case you're in a hurry - the brief synopsis of what I talk about this week is below.
In my experience, personally and working with clients, there are three problems that are getting in the way of you scaling your business right now.
1. You're stuck in your head.
As an entrepreneur, this isn't an unusual place to be, but when it comes to moving forward it's more than a tad inconvenient. If you stay stuck in your thoughts, dreams, and worries - you aren't taking action. With no action, comes no movement forward. No movement forward means no change. Without changing things up, whether it's adding team members to offset your workload or more products to increase sales, there is no additional revenue. Meaning, you can't scale. Not a fun place to be (ask me I know ALL about it!) If this is you, don't panic - I have a simple solution below. You can also listen to the episode to get the entire scoopidy-doop.
2. You have lots of ideas, LOTS - but you aren't putting any of them into action.
Similar to #1 above, lack of action will keep you stuck. But in addition, acting on all these ideas and doing all the things, is exhausting and 1000% confusing to your audience. While you're trying to put out every fire and do every darn thing to make your customers happy, new customers are bewildered by what you actually do. Which means you stay stuck. And usually, you are stuck doing a bunch of crapola you don't even like doing. Tune in to hear all about the crazy beginnings of my business (talk about all the things, I'm tired just reminiscing!)
3. You think you have it all figured out, only nobody else wants what you've figured out.
There is nothing worse than spending weeks, months, or even years creating a product that you put your heart and soul into and then realizing when the cart opens - crickets. Not one single bite of interest. It is frustrating and disappointing, to say the least. But, it could have all been avoided. All the endless work, time, and energy spent creating a product you love but that no one else wants or will pay for.
The Solution
It came to me this week during a call with a friend. To survive this crazy ride of business ownership, the #1 thing you need to solve the issues above is a Business Therapist.
Seriously! Hear me out.
A business therapist (B.T. for short) is not there to tell you what to do like a coach or mastermind group would. (Although they can be a business therapist - more on that below.)
A true B.T. is there to bounce ideas off of. To give you the real truth and nothing but the truth, just like Judge Judy - even when you don't want to hear it. They are going to give you the feedback you need, the kick in the butt you deserve (so you can get a move on), and a different perspective. Something we don't have access to when we are in the thick of it in our own business.
You see, most of us walk around with blinders on (that's what we're supposed to do, kinda). But, with that determined focus, we can easily get stuck. We need that support system to pull us out of the weeds and keep us moving forward. That's where your business therapist comes in. They help you put a stop to (or at least advise you to write them down and get them out of your head) all of your ideas and encourage you to take action on just one.
Take one small step forward so you can get your groove back (just like Stella!)
Where do I find my own B.T.?
I give you a ton of tips on places to look and criteria to filter people through in the episode. I highly suggest you go over there and listen so you can get the scoop on how to find your B.T. But the shortlist is, everywhere. You can find them in masterminds, coaching programs, friends, networking groups, industry groups, online. You just have to know what to look for.
Why do I need a B.T.?
I can hear the naysayers already. I don't need no stinking business therapist. I want to encourage you to ask yourself a few questions if you're knocking it before you try it. If you have it all figured out, is your stuff selling the way you want it to? Are you working endless hours with no increase in revenue? Have you launched that new product or course you keep talking about? Do you end the day going WTH did I get done today?
If you answered yes, then you my friend, are stuck. Whether you realize it or not. I hope you'll give the episode a listen to find the best way for you to move forward, grow, scale and create the impact that your audience, customers, and the world are waiting for.
That's a wrap for this week. I would love to hear what stood out to you about finding your own business therapist or anything else you gathered from this episode. Head on over to the Facebook group and let me know.
What did you learn from this episode?
Come and tell me in the Facebook Group. Not in the group yet? Consider this your official invitation to join the Small Business Builders Community in the Facebook Group. Small Business owners unite to feed each other with inspiration, information, experiences, and knowledge.
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
5 Steps To Attracting Your Audience
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
You know building an audience is critical to selling your products and services.
And I will bet you are looking for some magical tip, trick or technique. But the reality is, that audience building has more to do with you than it does what you do. This is why this episode is dedicated to the 5 steps you have to have under your belt in order to effectively build your audience.
Getting clear about your audience, mindset, and message will save the day.
I have spent some time in the trenches building my audience and building the audiences of my clients. In Episode 101 I share all the lessons I've learned, and that they've learned to successfully connect, grow, and create raving fans. You can listen to the entire episode here.
1. Be you, there is only one of you.
Sometimes it's easy to convince ourselves that we need to be someone other than who we are. But, there is only one us. What would you say if I told you that there are people out there looking for you? Just you. Not Sally, Joe, or Bob. You! You were put on this planet to create impact and help others. No one can do it as you do, so embrace it, say it out loud and say it loud enough for your people to find you. There are no new ideas, just new ways of teaching and learning the ideas out there. So beat your drum and be you. Your people and your heart will thank you.
2. Be clear about what you offer.
Clarity sells What doesn't sell is confusion. If you aren't clear about who you serve and how you help them, your people CANNOT find you. They won't find you. There is a lot of noise out there and you can't stand out if you don't take a stand. It can be scary as shiitake to niche down and talk only to your people, but in this week's episode, I share a story a lady who did just that. She is KILLING it by the way. Tune in to hear the whole scoop.
3. Ask the people (your people) what they want.
There is nothing worse than guessing what people want to hear, read, or buy. Just ask them already. If you don't know where to start, this week's episode gives you some killer tips. Check-in and listen to how I helped one of my clients recently save a TON of time, energy and frustration by not creating what she wanted to create, but instead creating what her people were asking for. She loves me, and you will too. :D
4. Do your homework.
One of the best ways to grow your audience is to get in front of another person's audience. But, there are some right ways and some not so good ways to get in front of other audiences. I share some of the emails I get regularly from people pitching to be on the podcast (and there are some doozies) as well as, some ideas to branch out and find your people in similarly aligned niches. Listen to all the details here. Along with those details, be sure to show up and give value, be gracious to your host/hostess, and don't waste their time by pitching them your spiel without doing your homework. It's rude and the fastest way to have your email end up in the trash folder. Nobody wants that.
5. Check-in with your why (often).
When building your audience, it's SUPER important to check-in with why you are growing your audience. Why you want to help that specific group of people. What it will mean when you reach _______ number of subscribers or followers. What belief or meaning have you attached to that goal? And, is it in alignment with where you really want your business and life to go? Keep in mind, this shifts all the dang time. And that is OK. In fact, it's more than OK. Go with the flow, this is your life and your business. You are allowed to create them as you wish. I go through some specifics on this in the episode, give it a listen.
That's a wrap for this week. I would love to hear what stood out to you about growing your audience from this episode. Head on over to the Facebook group and let me know.
What did you learn from this episode?
Come and tell me in the Facebook Group. Not in the group yet? Consider this your official invitation to join the Small Business Builders Community in the Facebook Group. Small Business owners unite to feed each other with inspiration, information, experiences, and knowledge.