CX Fanatics Podcast
Hi! Welcome to the CX Fanatics Show. Did you know it can cost 5 times more to attain new customers than to retain existing customers? But most of the time customer experience is passed off as customer service (CX as the cool kids say) - and that’s just plain wrong. Because CX is its own animal and a MUCH bigger component of business than most people realize. Customer Experience when it’s exceptional is THE best way to keep current customers (or leads) happy and turn them into raving brand ambassadors. This channel focuses on weaving customer experience throughout your business to increase revenue, retention, and referrals. Tune in weekly for expert interviews, customer experience and marketing strategy, and the latest CX trends. Use what you learn to create the BEST customer experience for your clients - turning them into raving fans while increasing your revenue and profit. Get a jump start on doubling your profits in 60 days - with this free guide (download it here) ➡️
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Making Your Sales Funnel Work In 2022 (best practices)
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Setting up a sales funnel can feel intimidating.
But it doesn't have to be.
On this week's show learn the 3 key components of setting up a sales funnel that works for you, and your potential customers and also helps you keep your sanity.
This week's episode was inspired by a recent conversation.
She had done all the right things.
She had multiple funnel options set up.
She had different levels where people could enter and join in, but the gaping hole I saw was that it was taking a REALLY long time for people to actually buy from her.
This can definitely hinder people from buying.
Especially if they don't know what you are selling.
Discover three specific things to consider when setting up and maintaining your sales funnel and also the secret weapon question to ask to ensure you are meeting your potential customers no matter where they enter in.
Included in this episode:
How to create a flexible sales funnel
Preparing your sales funnel for your customer
Creating a customer journey map
Analyzing and tweaking your customer journey and sales funnel
Simplifying your sales funnel for your business and your potential customers
Links mentioned:
The Critical Parts of A Sales Funnel Podcast Episode
Sales Funnels Equal Small Business Survival Podcast Episode
The #1 Thing Your Email Sales Funnel Is Missing Podcast Episode
Mapping Your Customer Journey Tools"
Mind Meister
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Why Email Marketing Matters To Small Business Growth
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
This week's episode includes a double feature live training all about using email as a powerful tool in your marketing strategy toolbelt.
If you've asked the question why should I use email when there is social media, then this episode is for you.
Here's what's inside:
💌 Who really owns your space on social media
💌 Why relying on social media to build your small business is detrimental
💌 How email marketing can help you stand out in a saturated market
💌 How to stay in front of your audience and get them to remember who you are
💌 Why ad costs are going up and what you can do to keep your ad costs lower
💌 The #1 reason no one is clicking on your email links.
💌 How to gain more traction with your sales funnels by increasing email clicks
💌 How to ensure your hard work at email marketing is paying off
Are you ready to supercharge your email marketing? My signature program Email Breakthrough Academy is now open for a very limited time. Grab the step-by-step system to get your emails opened, clicked on, and generate more sales without the tech overwhelm or frustration of not knowing what to say. Learn more about the program and enroll at
Losing touch with new subscribers before they can ever become customers? Send a kick a** welcome email series. Grab this quick guide to help you blast out those emails in an afternoon. Download your free Email Guide here:
Did this episode make you think about marketing differently? If so take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me, @alisamconner
In case you haven’t heard, my new favorite online hangout is LinkedIn - connect with me here.
For all the show notes and links, head on over to
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Using Email Marketing To Court Your Ideal Client
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
When was the last time you had an ad or email sent from some random person that you had absolutely no interest in?
My guess is, probably today.
This happened to me recently as I was being courted via snail mail by an organization that obviously didn't do their research.
I was actually a bit offended.
During this week's show find out who the company is and dive into 3 ways to effectively use email marketing to court your ideal customer (just like when you met your significant other).
++ Plus there is a bonus if you stay until the end.
You may be wondering if email marketing is worth all that and a bag of chips, it is. (but you already knew that.). With a 4200% return on investment, you can even buy the name-brand chips.
On this week's show discover 2 not-to-follow examples when it comes to your email marketing.
The first (mentioned above) is a well-known international brand and the second is a realtor.
I won't dive into all the things they did that you shouldn't, you can catch those and all the antics and hilarity of this week's episode here.
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Staying Top Of Mind and Increasing Sales With Email Marketing
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
44% of people give up after one contact attempt when reaching out to a lead.
That's almost half of the people out there.
Nearly half of your competitors are stopping before they even get a foot in the door.
In fact, it can take up to 8 touchpoints to even get the first call with a potential customer.
That my friends is what we call GOOD news. Why?
Because this is the EXACT reason email marketing is your ally when it comes to increasing sales in your business.
It is the perfect tool to keep you top of mind with your potential customers in a value-added way.
Yet, people steer away and aim toward the more inviting options like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok.
I'm not saying social media isn't important - but what is more important is people off of platforms you don't have any control over and into something you do, like your email list.
This week's podcast episode breaks down three steps to ensure you remain top of mind with your hottest prospects, as well as though who don't even know they need you yet.
Tune in to catch the entire show and find all the show notes here.
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
AvoidIng the SPAM Folder in 2022 - The Tech Part 2 of 2
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
16% of emails sent automatically end up in the SPAM filter.
Writing an email takes time. Sometimes time that you don't necessarily have.
If your emails are ending up in the SPAM filter you have wasted your time.
The last thing you want is to spend time on something that isn't going to increase sales or grow your business.
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur Podcast we are finishing up our two-part series as we dive into the techie components that could be responsible for sending your emails to SPAM.
Hold up! I hear you saying "Tech + me = No good"! Don't panic. Take a deep breath and say it with me "I can do it!"
This week's episode breaks down the tech in layman's terms so that you can be sure that more eyeballs are seeing your emails.
Tune into and listen to or watch the entire episode to get the 3 important tech steps you need to take to ensure you are avoiding the SPAM filter at the get-go.
Be sure to stay tuned until the end because I have a bonus for you that you can only get if you tune in here.
Let's dive in.
1. Be sure you are sending emails from a hosted domain.
A hosted domain is simply a web address that you own so for example (You would put your business name in for your business). Your email would look like
Why do you need to send emails from a business domain? Unfortunately, marketers have ruined marketing (yep that just came out of my mouth). Not all marketers, but the spammy kind.
Because the spammers spend their hours creating useless email addresses just to send out spam, the spam gods have become wise and they target emails (specifically business emails) that aren't coming from a hosted domain.
So if you are using Gmail, Yahoo, or any other free email service to send emails for your business - the likelihood that they will go to the spam, junk, or trash folder significantly increases.
I recommend using Google workspace to get a hosted domain if you are familiar with or like Gmail.
The second part of this tech checklist is to be sure to use a real name for whom the emails are being sent.
Don't use something clever and don't use your business name. Research has shown that those will trigger the SPAM filter more often.
2. Follow GDPR and CAN-Spam Act Guidelines.
That was a lot of acronyms. Both of those laws simple mean three things,
1. People must explicitly agree to join your email list to be in alignment with privacy laws.
2. Don't add people to your list without their permission (this includes buying email lists).
3. Don't email people who have not signed up for your email list. (in other words, don't be a douche bag)
Both GDPR and CAN Spam Act Guidelines require that your subscriber agree to be on your list for you to collect their private information (including their email address). This is accomplished with a double-opt-in email or checkbox on your form. If they agree, then go to town emailing them.
Listen to this episode to learn more about GDPR.
Last but not least, if someone unsubscribed, wish them well and move on. DO NOT continue to email the. It is in violation of privacy laws and it's simply not worth putting your email reputation at risk.
3. Clean your email list regularly.
Taking people off your list through cleaning may seem counterintuitive because you're trying to grow your list. But, if you continue to send to people. who don't open your emails or read them, it hurts your email reputation. Meaning, the people who DO want to get your emails won't get them.
Also when people receive your emails but don't open or click on them it lowers your overall click-through and open rates which can also damage your overall email reputation.
I recommend choosing a regular schedule to clean up your email list and make room for new subscribers. Either a 30, 60, or 90-day schedule depending on the health and size of your email list.
The added benefit, you also don't have to pay for subscribers that aren't interested in hearing from you.
List cleaning is covered step by step in the Email Breakthrough Academy program. Want to be the first to know when it opens. Join the waitlist here.
Check out this week's episode to get the bonus tips and also the details for all of the key tactics above.
See you next week!
Links Discussed in this episode:
GDPR Podcast Episode
CAN Spam Act
Email Breakthrough Academy Waitlist
Google Workspace
Email Subject Line Grader
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Avoiding the SPAM Filter - Headlines (Part 1 of 2)
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
If your emails are landing in the SPAM folder (like 16% of emails do) Houston, you've got a problem.
Because, if your emails are in SPAM your future customers aren't going to go hunting for them.
But did you know that your headlines could be a major culprit to why they are ending up there in the first place?
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur show we are talking SPAM (and not the kind that comes in a can) but the kind that can ruin your email marketing before you even have a chance to get started.
#1 - Avoid using SPAM trigger words.
Say what? There are actually words that trigger the SPAM filter? Yep and because some of them are slippery like ice in a windstorm, I've put together an alphabetical resource that you can grab for free at Google is the absolute worst when it comes to sending stuff to SPAM, so avoiding the words on this list will help you a WHOLE lot.
#2 - Train your subscribers.
During this week's show, I share some specific pointers on training your subscribers the minute after they have completed your opt-in form. Major hint --->>> it's your thank you page. There are some specific things you can add to your thank you page to build trust and communicate with your new email besties. You may be saying, I don't have a thank you page Alisa, now what? No worries, I've got you covered. Tune into this week's show for the scoop on how to make this happen.
#3 - Deliver REALLY good content.
You may have noticed that there are a lot more people on the interwebs these days. Some are even creating content. But most are creating crappy content. Just to put it out there. Unfortunately, this still crowds up the internet and can make it harder to stand out. But, when you create REALLY good content, just like a banana split, people can't wait to devour it. In fact, they are actually looking for your latest post. In the episode, I give you a few examples of what not to do. I also share quite a few examples over on LinkedIn. If we haven't connected there, send me a note with your connection request. You can find me here.
There's a bonus tip you can only grab if you tune into the episode. Give it a listen here or watch the video here.
To power up your SPAM superpowers dive into this week's entire episode. Catch all the show notes and links at
Wondering which words to avoid in your email headlines?
Staying out of the SPAM folder can be a slippery slope!
This is the exact reason I created the 350 SPAM words to avoid cheatsheet.
This free resource gives you a scalable list of words to avoid like Sun-In on a Brunette (read orange hair-blech!)
Download your free copy of the SPAM Word Guide here: words.
See you next week!
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
129 Marketing Lessons To Steal From The GOAT (Tom Brady)
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur show we are talking about marketing and football (sort of) and welcoming a 2nd Act Entrepreneur to the club.
Tom Brady has had one hell of a career in professional football. Earning him the title of GOAT (Greatest of All-Time).
But, something not as widely heralded is the phenomenal job of harnessing his media attention and pointing it toward his second-act endeavors.
Hearts broke as Brady announced his retirement, but even that announcement are marketing lessons we can harness.
Tune into this week's episode as we dive into three simple but effective marketing strategies you can steal straight from the GOAT's marketing playbook. Earning you BIG time results in your business quickly. Like Super Bowl big!
1. Be prepared.
The boy scouts were onto something here. If you don't have a plan, it's hard to get results. But well-planned out marketing can be seen for miles. In fact, most large companies have their marketing plans years in advance. Having a plan that's even quarterly will put you miles ahead of most of our competition (including other marketers). According to Search Engine Journal, half of small businesses don't have a marketing plan. Success takes preparation. Tom utilized every press opportunity in recent days to talk about his future plans that include his TB12 brand and all the facets that are part of that company. Smart marketing.
Speaking of smart marketing, one of the best ways to move new leads toward purchasing is with your welcome series. Have you grabbed my new guide, Welcome Emails That Work? Download your free copy here and learn the 5 proven emails to send that nurture new leads, create conversations and build your brand's trust factor.
2. Build anticipation.
Even in retirement, the press couldn't stop flapping their gums about Tom and his plans. Tune into this week's show to learn the #1 thing you can do to build anticipation and also learn how the GOAT used even his retirement as an opportunity to keep the attention on him, his future plans, and his multiple businesses.
3. Share the win.
Building authority is one of the top ways to overcome buyers' objections. After nearly every Super Bowl win, you could hear Tom boast about the team effort it took to get to and win the championship. He never took full credit, he gave credit where credit was due. By taking the focus off of your solution and instead focusing on the results you've gotten for clients, you open the door for future customers to have their doubts and concerns silenced. Testimonials, reviews, and case studies are great ways to share the win with your current and future customers.
I don't think we've seen the last of Tom Brady - especially when it comes to business. Are you looking forward to watching what he does next? Staying consistent is a game-changer for increasing sales. A great way to stay consistent is writing a killer welcome email series.
Get all the notes and links for this episode at
Get a jump start on your email welcome series with the Welcome Emails That Work Guide and write 5-7 emails that entice your new subscribers to learn more.
Download your free copy here.
Until next week, be well and take care!
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
#128 Nobody Wants Your Email Newsletter
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Reviewing websites is sort of a hobby of mine.
I know, random hobby. But when you're in marketing you are curious about what people are doing, especially if they are entrepreneurs.
I remember back in the day creating my first website, it took days - weeks maybe even months. I can't quite remember - but what I do remember after crawling up from sleeping under my desk, is that my business felt official in some way.
Websites have come a long way since then, but one thing remains true. Your website is your marketing hub.
As well as your opportunity to open up a sales loop with potential customers.
But so many people are doing it WRONG!
85% or more of websites that I review have a form somewhere (usually hidden toward the bottom) that says "Join My Newsletter".
Yes, I typed that in all caps, because it makes me want to scream every time I see that form.
Consumers are smart and are getting smarter by the day.
The last study I read stated the average person has around 192 emails in their inbox every day.
That means you are competing with at least that many emails, maybe more with your newsletter.
This weeks episode dives into the 3 big reasons newsletters are hitting the SPAM and trash can and what to do instead
Listen to the entire episode for all the details. Or watch the video here.
Why don't newsletters typically work?
People are busy. They don't have time to peruse a lengthy email newsletter. They value their time and are going to spend it consuming information that entertains, educates, or inspires them. Most newsletters don't fit the bill.
What is the issue with newsletters?
Most newsletters go out once a month. This means that most business owners take that time to throw out everything that is happening or has happened in their business in that one shot. Typically they focus on you, your services, your latest news, etc.
You might want to take a seat for this . . . people don't care.
Do you know what they care about? Solving the issues that are keeping them up at might. If you aren't addressing that in your newsletter in a timely manner, they aren't tuning in. Lastly, most newsletters are lengthy and contain way too much information. Most people tune out after the first two sentences and then the author wonders why no one showed up to their event or bought from their promotion. They never got that far, and you gave them too many things to contemplate - so they just tuned out.
What can you do instead?
#1 - Create a unique piece of content that gets them thinking.
This piece of content solves a piece of their problem. Piques their interest and entices them to want more. Set this up as a lead magnet on your website.
#2 - Segment your email list by interest area and then deliver unique content based on their interests.
For example, if you own a craft store like my client Liz, you would segment your email list by categories like knitting, quilting, cardmaking, scrapbooking, etc. So when you are having a sale on fabric, you could send that information to your quilting tags. If you're a coach you could segment by areas of leadership, mindset, business foundation, etc. The power of segmenting is you look like a mind reader to your email subscribers and you can also test whether or not the content you are creating is resonating with the intended audience.
#3 - Follow up with your subscribers.
That sounds like a no-brainer doesn't it? But in a sales study by IRC Sales Solutions, most people only make 1 contact with a prospect. Yet we know that it takes upward of 8-15 touchpoints for people to buy. Most people will only send 1-3 emails as well.
The study also said only 2% of people are actually ready to purchase, 58% are not ready to buy at all, and 40% are ready to start the buying process. By making email your ally - you have the opportunity to nurture 98% of all new leads. Staying top of mind and becoming the person they remember when they are ready to purchase.
If you want some more details and specifics, tune into the entire episode here or watch the video show here.
Your email nurture sequence is one of the BEST introductions to your business, yet most people don't set up an email sequence to welcome new subscribers.
I meet so many Entrepreneurs who struggle with what to say, staring for hours at a blank screen, and then, they just give up. Or they have created a sequence but nobody is reading it, people are falling off after the first few emails and NOBODY is buying. (THE worst!)
I feel your frustration which is why I created my brand new guide:
Writing An Email Welcome Series That Works
This resource gives you the copywriting method beyond writing an email sequence that works. The same system I've used for years to help clients get more eyeballs on their emails and more sales of their services. Best of all it's yours free. And, it's a great way to implement right away some of the things discussed in this week's episode. Grab your copy here.
Until next week, be well, stay safe and take care!