CX Fanatics Podcast
Hi! Welcome to the CX Fanatics Show. Did you know it can cost 5 times more to attain new customers than to retain existing customers? But most of the time customer experience is passed off as customer service (CX as the cool kids say) - and that’s just plain wrong. Because CX is its own animal and a MUCH bigger component of business than most people realize. Customer Experience when it’s exceptional is THE best way to keep current customers (or leads) happy and turn them into raving brand ambassadors. This channel focuses on weaving customer experience throughout your business to increase revenue, retention, and referrals. Tune in weekly for expert interviews, customer experience and marketing strategy, and the latest CX trends. Use what you learn to create the BEST customer experience for your clients - turning them into raving fans while increasing your revenue and profit. Get a jump start on doubling your profits in 60 days - with this free guide (download it here) ➡️
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
153- Sure Fire Ways To End Procrastination As An Entrepreneur
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur Show learn three ways to kick procrastination to the curb.
If you've been an entrepreneur for any length of time you may be familiar with the purple-eyed monster procrastination. (Envy is up there too, but he's green-eyed).
Procrastination is truly a pain in the arse when you are a business owner.
You have shiitake to get done, what in the heck why are you dragging yourself to your tasks or wasting time on things that aren't getting you to your goals?
If you're like the rest of us, you've tangoed with this guy and probably need some sound advice for the next time he shows up.
This week's show gives you three actionable strategies to kick procrastination to the curb quickly and effectively.
Tune in to the entire show here:
🏗️ 🏗️ 🏗️ Email marketing is the #1 way to build long-term customer relationships because it keeps you in front of your audience every single week. Plus, you can get immediate feedback from your subscribers just by asking them questions with the option to hit reply.
But staying consistent with email isn’t always easy. Which is the exact reason why I created my newest resource 365 Email Prompts.
These prompts guide you to consistently show up and alleviate your blank screen syndrome. Plus it makes planning your content a breeze because you have tons of topics to dive into each week.
And, there is even a way to track the prompts you’ve already used so that you are sure to keep your emails fresh and interesting.
Get your copy here. 📩 📩 📩
Now let’s dive into this week’s show.
We can often set unrealistic expectations for ourselves when it comes to our goals. Or we set goals at the beginning of the year without having a full picture of what is going to happen in our business between now and then. Some things are within our control, others are not.
This leads me to my first recommendation and that is to reevaluate your goals and timelines mid-year and take into consideration slumps in your business, busy times in your life, and the unexpected that you need to detour around.
Second, we can get really good at looking at the lack of progress we think we have made in our business because we have big goals and dreams. This can be detrimental when it comes to measuring how far we've come.
Instead, why not celebrate what we have done thus far? Give ourselves a high-five for the progress we've made and cut ourselves some slack because we aren't "there" yet. Wherever there is.
Grant yourself some grace, and some flexibility, and remember what is meant for you will not pass you by. Your success is inevitable.
Last but not least, you got into this entrepreneur gig because you wanted freedom, right?
How's that going? Do you feel free? Do you have control of your own time?
If your answer is anything besides a resounding YES then you my friend need to take some time away and reset, regroup and recharge.
Whatever that looks like for you.
Tune into the entire episode for all the details, and stories and to dive further into these three sure-fire ways to end procrastination in your business.
In the meantime, take care, stay safe and be well.
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
How To Build Relationships With Customers In 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneurs Show we are diving into how to turn more “no’s into Yes” by building relationships with customers in 2022.
It may seem almost impossible to gain traction with new leads in an online capacity, especially since you are competing with artificial intelligence, spam bots, and slimy marketing tactics.
People have their guard up, rightfully so, and gaining trust is harder than it used to be.
But, it doesn’t have to be. This week uncover three actionable steps you can take to start building relationships with future customers even if they say “no” the first time.
Plus some tips on what not to do so that you don’t have a bumpy start with potential leads inadvertently. Tune into the entire show here.
🏗️ 🏗️ 🏗️ Email marketing is the #1 way to build long-term customer relationships because it keeps you in front of your audience every single week. Plus, you can get immediate feedback from your subscribers just by asking them questions with the option to hit reply.
But staying consistent with email isn’t always easy. Which is the exact reason why I created my newest resource 365 Email Prompts.
These prompts guide you to consistently show up and alleviate your blank screen syndrome. Plus it makes planning your content a breeze because you have tons of topics to dive into each week.
And, there is even a way to track the prompts you’ve already used so that you are sure to keep your emails fresh and interesting.
Get your copy here. 📩 📩 📩
Now let’s dive into this week’s show.
#1 - Listen more than you talk.
This may seem counterintuitive as a business owner, because shouldn’t you be talking about what you do and what you sell?
The short answer is no. People want what they want and no matter how excited you are about what you do if they aren’t ready to hear what you have to offer, they will simply tune you out because you sound like an infomercial for the latest quick business fix.
Don’t believe me just scroll through the ads on Facebook. Almost every single one is an automatic pitch for their latest “one size fixes all” solution.
I can’t even tell you the number of times I’ve worked with coaches and consultants who pour hours, weeks, days, months, and even years into creating online programs that they haven’t sold yet.
Nothing is more frustrating than creating a program that no one wants or will ever see. Been there, done that - more than once.
All that work and time lost could have been avoided if I would have just listened instead of deciding for my customers without their input.
Listen to the show for some examples here.
#2 - Give what you want to receive.
COVID made people aware, but it also made people less tolerant of BS. This is why a lot of marketing that used to work is failing miserably.
People can see through your thinly disguised veil of inauthenticity like mosquito netting. Which is why the direct message or random comments aren’t working anymore.
Your audience is craving connection. Authentic connection, not drive-by conversation. COVID and social media have dramatically increased loneliness. Look at the current mental health crisis for all the evidence you need.
Humans were meant to congregate, be together, share ideas, and have conversations. COVID all but eliminated that and now we are out of practice.
But what we can spot is people who want something from us. Faster than the Road Runner in Looney Tunes.
Meaning it’s even MORE important to start off a new relationship on the right foot. Business or otherwise.
Tune into the show for all the details and examples here.
#3 - Pretend You Are Together In Real Life.
The internet is a funny thing. It’s given us permission. Sometimes to do things that aren’t only not acceptable, but that we would normally never do if it were a real-life situation.
We will say and do things that are brazen, sometimes rude, and sometimes even unlawful.
Instead of standing on bravado imagine if you were face to face with the person you want to turn into a customer. Would you immediately:
#1 - push your newest offer or lead magnet in their direction? or
#2 - would you instead take time to learn about them and what they need?
If you answered #1 - we should talk about your networking skills and you should get out into the real world again and network with real people.
No one wants to be sold to and they definitely don’t want to buy from someone who isn’t interested in their needs.
Treat the people you want to work with like people. They are individuals going through individual circumstances. The better you get with people the faster your business will grow.
Get all the details and examples here.
Get the three Bonus tips to get you started with creating deeper connections and conversations with future and current customers by listening to the entire episode.
If you enjoyed this episode would you please share it with someone who could benefit? Also if you haven't left us a review, we would love yours on your favorite podcast platform.
Thanks in advance!
Until next week, be well, stay safe and take care!
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
151 - Reprogram Your Brain With Jason Jurado
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur show join me and my guest Jason Jurado to discover how reprogramming your brain and your self-talk can help you reach your goals and success quicker.
Best of all, you'll have less stress and more energy to do the things you want and need to do.
💦 💦 💦 Speaking of stress - leave the stress about showing up in your audience's inbox behind with my new 365 Email Prompts Guide. You can get your copy here: 💦 💦 💦
Jason Jurado has studied neurolinguistic programming (NLP) for over 12 years and is certified as a master practitioner in NLP. When he asked for a definition of NLP he simplified it as:
"Using the language of your mind to get what you want."
He went on to say that your subconscious mind is always listening and it doesn't know the difference between what is real or what is not real.
But it will always listen to what you focus on because it believes that is what you want.
This can be detrimental to getting what you want especially if you are focused on the negative possibilities or activities. Your brain will think that's what you want because it's consuming your focus and energy.
For example, if you focus on not having enough money to pay a large bill - your unconscious mind will think "oh they don't want to pay that bill so I will be sure that no money comes into our sphere so that we won't be able to pay the bill."
Can you see how not having control of your subconscious thoughts could keep you stuck in your business and not growing at the level you want?
Your conscious mind can only focus on 50 bits of information at a time yet we are bombarded by 11 million bits of information a minute.
In order to not go insane and survive we set up filters to manage the information that comes our way. Those filters determine what gets our focus and what we don't.
But, most of those filters were created subconsciously by the age of 10.
Filters are created by modeling the adults in our lives, their beliefs, and the experiences we had during our formative years.
But if our filters are outdated and unaligned with our current goals and beliefs, our focus will be as well. Because our focus determines our experience, this impacts our lives now.
Updating our filters is something Jason discusses during this week's show.
The subconscious mind speaks in symbols, not words.
So if you create a clear picture in your mind of what you want and then align that image with your goal, you are speaking the language of your subconscious mind. The more specific you get with imagery, the faster you will arrive at your goal.
This is why Jason also discusses the importance of defining values, goals, and actions as business owners in order to get to where we want to be. During the show he discusses:
How to define your values. Including identifying what is important to you and why it's important. Then how to organize your values by importance.
Do your defined business values align with your personal values? Do they also align with how you want your life to look?
Align your values with your goals and get specific about the goals you want to achieve and why you want to achieve them.
Define specific action steps in order to reach your goal.
Jason is also an expert on hypnosis. When I asked him to describe how it helps his clients excel he defined hypnosis as hyper-focused attention that when combined with specificity and clarity you are able to get to where you want to be at hyper-speed.
The episode also dives into the areas of the benefits of having a coach, your money mindset, the difference between meditation and hypnosis, and how to overcome your monkey mind.
You won't want to miss this week's jam-packed episode. Tune into the entire show here:
Resources Mentioned:
Building Your Ideal Private Practice
Where to connect with Jason:
One Path Coaching
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
150 -Honing In Your Purpose With Scott Perry
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur Show Scott Perry joins me to talk about how to hone in on your purpose prior to building your business.
Before we dive in, are you struggling with planning your marketing? The free marketing strategy guide will walk you through a step-by-step plan to create a map for your marketing. Download your free copy here.
Aligning with why you're here on the planet and plugging into the legacy you want to live makes the BIG difference between those who keep taking steps forward toward their goals and reaching them and those that give up and have regrets at the end of their lives.
Scott is an Encore Life Coach who helps entrepreneurs find fulfillment, forge meaning, and make a difference (and a living) during their life's third act.
He is passionate about helping clients serve their purpose and leave a legacy.
While living a life that they love.
Oftentimes it can be difficult to remember what it is that we love, and what our purpose is and we spend a lot of time comparing. Scott provides some amazing insights and resources to guide us in uncovering our inner purpose. Tune in here to hear more.
The first half of life is the time you are forging your identity and validating yourself to external expectations.
The second half of life is brought about by experiencing something profound. Those moments can either break you or you can be broken open.
Being broken up empowers you to open your heart and experience why you are here and what impact you can make.
As Scott says, what has chasing society's carrots gotten you? Chances are unhappiness and despair.
Instead, Scott implores you to plug into happiness, joy, and things that light you up before you meet the end of this life.
By taking small steps every day you will forge a new identity and be aligned with your purpose.
As a bonus, be sure to catch the meaning behind Scott's unusual daily runs during this episode. Tune in here to listen.
There are so many value bombs Scott drops and such sound wisdom and advice for people starting their second career and living their second act.
If you've ever asked yourself the question, what if it's too late, you won't want to miss Scott's answer at the end of the episode.
Don't miss the deep wisdom Scott shares during this episode.
Watch this week's episode here.
Resources Mentioned:
David Brooks The Second Mountain
Bhagavad Gita
Meditations Marcus Aurelius
Learn more about Scott Perry here:
Creative On Purpose
Struggling with planning your marketing? Download the free marketing strategy guide that will walk you through a step-by-step plan to create a map for your marketing. Get your copy here.
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
149 - Should You Add Current Clients To Your Email List?
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur Show discover what to do and not do when it comes to adding people to your email list.
On a new LIVE LinkedIn Segment Anke Herrmann, from Taming The Tech Monster and Alisa Conner, Email Marketing Avenger tackle marketing questions that they have been asked or encountered with previous clients.
Speaking of email marketing success if you struggle with what to write, suffer from blank screen syndrome, or are inconsistent with your email marketing head on over to and grab the resource 365 Email Prompts For Coaches & Course Creators. This guide is jam-packed with email prompts for an entire year and beyond. Learn more about these email prompts at:
This week on the This Not That segment, we answer the question - "Should you add current clients to your email list?"
Get the answer by listening to the entire episode here.
Other topics covered in this episode include:
Best practices for adding people to your email list
Why are you adding people to your list and what's in it for them
GDPR requirements and repercussions for violating terms by not asking permission
Different ways to get active permission from subscribers
Buying cycle length and opportunity to stay top of mind.
Tune into the entire episode here.
Don't forget to meet your new email marketing bestie, 365 Email Prompts For Coaches & Course Creators to inspire you, keep you in front of your audience, and increase sales.
Until next week,
Be well, stay safe and take care!
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
148-Build A Recession Resistant Business
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur Show learn 10 ways to create resiliency in your business.
Empowering you to harbor any changes in the market, as well as a possible global recession.
One of the best ways to harbor any type of change is through consistent relationship building. One of the best ways to do that is through your weekly emails.
If you struggle with coming up with new ideas, finding inspiration about what to write, or blank screen syndrome - I have a brand new resource coming your way on Monday.
365 Days of Email Prompts gives you inspiration, a prompt for every day of the year, and a video training to help you navigate the guide and stay consistent with your email. It will be available starting Monday, August 1st at
Let's dive into the show and how to build recession resilience.
#1 - Work on your mindset.
Focusing on the one thing you can control during uncertain times will monumentally affect how and when you reach your goals. Focusing on gratitude awareness will increase the likelihood that you will see the bright side of things even when things seem the darkest. Focus on reigning in your mindset now so you are prepared no matter what comes your way.
#2 - Look for opportunities to help rather than focusing on fear and negativity.
During most uncertain times the best businesses are built by those who looked at problems that weren't being addressed and creating a solution. Does that mean you need to upend your business? No, but when you're focused on helping and creativity, there is less time on focusing on things you can't control.
#3 - Meet your customers and potential customers where they are not where you think they should be.
Oftentimes we create products, offers, and services for our clients based on what we think they need rather than what they actually need. If instead, you focus that effort on researching where your potential customers are right now and what they need you will be much more successful at increasing sales.
#4 - Give your customers pricing options.
Look at your current service offers and see if there is a way that you can offer multiple tiers to work with you that get clients results. If you can give someone results the likelihood that they will move to the next tier of your services significantly increases. Making them lifetime customers and not just one transaction.
#5 - Get really good at what you do.
Even better than you are now. When you become the expert for a specific group of people you stand out and become known in the industry. Resist the urge to go general and instead focus on how you can get specific and provide specific results to your clients.
#6 - Inventory your expenses.
Expenses can creep up without us even paying attention. We may scroll buy something on Amazon and not give it a second thought. Or we may invest in something for our business, use it a few times and then forget until it renews again. Grab a few months' worth of credit card statements, see where you are spending money and if that investment is creating ROI in some way.
#7 - Get scrappy with organic marketing.
What content can you create that you can repurpose and grow your brand organically (for free)? Who can you collaborate with? Whose podcast or live show can you be a guest on? Who can you reach out to that you've been meaning to but haven't yet?
#8 - Continue or ramp up marketing while everyone freezes.
It's a natural inclination to stop paying for things that aren't paying you. But this can be a huge mistake when it comes to marketing before, during, and after a recession. Why? Because everyone else is cutting back too. When you stay consistent or even ramp up your marketing you will have a higher likelihood of standing out and being seen.
#9 - Feed your brain.
Continue learning about your field, and feed your brain something useful and positive every day. Turn off and tune out the news and the negativity and instead focus on something that will help you grow, evolve, and shift your business so that you continue to grow while everyone else panics.
#10 - Work on self-development every single day.
When you work on yourself every single day the universe can't help but respond. It will also increase your resilience to respond to things and build your fortitude for not only surviving but thriving.
Want all the tips and examples?
Tune into the entire episode here:
Don't forget one of the best ways to fortify and build your client relationships is through email.
Coming Monday, August 1st you can get your hand on my newest resource:
365 Days of Email Prompts. Giving you inspiration, a prompt for every day of the year, and a video training to help you navigate the guide and stay consistent with your email.
Buy your copy here:
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
147 - Moving Followers Off Of Social Media and Onto Your Email List
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
This week on the 2nd Act Entrepreneur Show discover ways to move your social media followers off of Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn and onto your email list.
Social media seems like a safe bet. You can promote your business, gain access to new followers, and potentially gain new customers.
But what happens when your account disappears?
This is exactly what happened to me on Facebook last week.
After several mild heart attacks the issue was ultimately fixed.
But I couldn't help but think, that this could have been bad. Really bad. Especially if I wasn't continually moving people to my email list.
Just to be sure I was on the right track, I polled the people.
A good majority said they use social media exclusively to get business leads. With so many changes in how social media operates and works, and not knowing exactly what the future holds, I want you to have the tools to control your business.
This week's show breaks down three major platforms - Facebook (pages and Groups), Instagram, and LinkedIn and shares how to grow your email list on each of those platforms.
++ Plus there is a bonus if you stay until the end.
If you struggle to write a welcome email series that keeps people reading to the end and preps them to buy from you, grab my latest free guide "Writing A Welcome Sequence That Works" here.
Before we dive into the tactics for each platform, be aware that you are your best promoter. Sometimes we may convince ourselves that we don't need to talk about our business so much.
You don't want to be too promotional.
First, that's not a thing (especially when you own your own business).
Second, that's a bunch of horse poo.
The more places you advertise ways to get your lead magnet, the more opportunities to grow your email list.
Facebook Pages
There are seven places you can promote your lead magnet on your Facebook Business page. If you don't have one, I highly suggest you get one stat and optimize it for your business name and what you do.
Here is the breakdown:
Your header image. Instead of blasting people with your services give them an opportunity for hands-on getting to know you by directing them to your lead magnet. This is prime real estate and the first thing potential clients will see when they snoop you out. Oh, they are snooping you out you can count on it.
Customize your Facebook button. You can send people directly to the landing page for your lead magnet instead of your website home page. Do this.
Promote your lead magnet in your Facebook stories.
Use your reels to talk about the benefits of the lead magnet you have and promote it there as well.
If you do weekly Facebook lives this is a great way to introduce your audience to a problem and then serve them up a solution with your lead magnet
Last but not least, include your lead magnet link on your About page in lieu of your website home page.
Facebook Groups
Facebook groups are a little different. You don't have access to reels or stories, but you can go live and promote your lead magnet. You can also change up your cover image, but you won't have access to the customizable button option.
However, you can ask three questions to people requesting group access. One of these questions can be something like "Have you downloaded my free Strategy Guide to uplevel your marketing game yet? If not, enter your email address here and I'll send it right over.
This is a powerful way to grow your list.
There are a couple of other ways to grow your email list on Facebook as well, but I didn't go into them in the episode. They are messenger bots and paid ads. If you are interested in those, leave a comment or send me a direct message and I'll look at covering them in a future episode.
Instagram offers some similar opportunities as Facebook, but you don't have the option to include much in your bio. However, including a Call To Action that directs them to your free download is important.
You can use an app like LinkTree to add additional URLs to your profile, but Instagram only allows you to use one link. So using a tool like LinkTree is important if you have multiple places you reference in your posts.
You can however use your Instagram Posts, Stories, and Reels to promote your lead magnet, just be sure to reference the link in your bio because no Instagram posts have clickable links. Subject to change of course.
I did make mention of the Swipe Up feature which allows you to link but you must have a minimum of 10,000 followers to get access to this feature.
Linkedin affords you many opportunities to promote your lead magnet and I'm shocked people aren't taking full advantage.
Your header image here can be changed as well and send people to your lead magnet.
You can change the contact section to include multiple links and can add your lead magnet as a link (highly recommend).
LinkedIn just added a new customized link feature underneath your profile information, this can be changed to add your lead magnet link.
When posting or sending a newsletter, reference your free resource and grow your list within these tools.
Within the about me section, you have the opportunity to talk about the value you bring or give people the option to get started by adding your lead magnet link within the content. LinkedIn links are clickable so this is a great benefit.
Set up a company page and change both the header image and the company about page to refer to your lead magnet.
There is also a bonus section with 5 places additional places to include your lead magnet to grow your email list. Tune in to the entire show to catch that bonus here.
Thanks for tuning in this week, if you found this episode helpful share it with a friend. If you found value I would love your review over on iTunes, Google Play, or Spotify.
Until next week, be well, stay safe and take care!
Resources mentioned:
Write A Welcome Sequence That Works Email Guide
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
This week’s 2nd Act Entrepreneur Show gives you 3 tips to write compelling emails that make people want to buy from your follow-up email series.
In case you're new, let’s backtrack for a minute and talk about the importance of using email marketing to grow your business.
Before we dive in, I have a juicy bonus tip for you toward the end of this episode so be sure to stay tuned for that.
I also created a free guide to help you write your welcome series so that you don’t have to be stressed out about what to say, how many emails to send, and how often you should send them. It’s all in this handy dandy guide that you can go download at
Now, let’s dive into why use email marketing at all?
In 2020 an estimated 306.4 billion emails were sent and received every day. (according to this study by FinancesOnline)
And, according to OptinMonster 58% of users check email when they go online before conducting a search (20%), social media (14%), or the news (5%).
If that hasn’t convinced you in 2021 4 out of 5 marketers said that they would rather give up social media as a marketing tactic than email marketing. (Litmus, 2020)
There is a 4200% return on investment when it comes to email marketing. The highest ROI for any marketing tactic out there.
Why? Because it enables you to stay top of mind and in front of your potential and current customers so that when they are ready to buy they think of you.
This leads us to how to use email marketing effectively to create a relationship with your future and current clients.
First and foremost, welcome your new lead. Truly - throughout the welcome mat and show them some love.
How many times have you signed up for a free resource and either:1. Received a single email with the resource and then crickets until they had something to sell or realized they needed to be emailing you or2. Received a barrage of sales emails after signing up for the “free” resource and then ended up unsubscribing.
If that’s you, you’re not alone and how did that make you feel? Chances are it felt slimy like forgotten leftovers in the back of the fridge slimy.
Here are some ways to build that relationship so that they begin to know, like, and trust you.
First and foremost is consistency.
90% of the world's troubles could be solved by just being consistent.
Regardless if you’re trying to lose weight and you need to be consistent with exercise and eating healthy.
Or if you’re trying to grow your business and you need to be consistent with marketing, sales calls, or in this case building a relationship with your leads.
Consistency in your email does two things. First, it reminds people who are and how you can help, and second, that you have something that they may need now or in the future.
The third thing that makes our hearts sing like little angels in the choirs of heaven is when they remember the first two and then tell someone else about us.
Second, don’t wing your email marketing.
Just like everything else with marketing your business, creating a plan will keep you on task, help you over the procrastination hump and most importantly enable you to measure your progress and success.It’s much easier to pump out marketing emails when you know who you are talking to and what they are struggling with.
When you have the power to “read their minds” because you know them so well and you consistently show up in their inbox, that is pure gold.
And it’s a HUGE differentiator between you and the competition.
Third, write headlines that make people stop the scroll.I get so many questions about headlines from my audience that I have covered just headlines in multiple pieces of training, podcast episodes, and events.
Headlines can be tricky. The best advice I have is to just start writing.
It isn’t unheard of that I will write 30-45 headlines for an email before I send it.
Truly practice makes perfect when it comes to headlines.
Plus testing. You won’t know what will work if you don’t test it first.
The bonus about testing your headlines is that you get to show up in your audience's inbox more often (which leads us back to #1.)
Here are some specific things you can do to test your headlines:
1. Ask questions. Our brains can’t not answer the question. It is like a dog with a bone. If you ask a question relevant to your audience, they will not stop until they find the answer. So questions in your headlines work well.2. Use emojis and characters. Pull up your email inbox. Scroll through the emails you received just today. Which ones pop out without you even searching them out? My guess is any email that has something different in the headline naturally grabs your attention. That’s the power of emojis and characters. Just don’t go wild because the SPAM filter will eat you alive.3. Count your characters. Think about it, if your headline is too long our distracted brains will either tune out or, the inbox will cut off the most important part. (because that’s what happens, Murphy’s Law)
Luckily, many email service providers like ActiveCampaign, Convertkit, or Drip have built-in headline character counters. If you go over, it will send you a message that says - “hold up there cowgirl, that headline is a little long.” (Okay so maybe that’s what it sounds like in my head.)
If you’re unsure, use a character counter like The best performing headlines have 11 words and 65 characters according to Hubspot.
Before we dive into the bonus and end this episode, just a reminder I created a free guide to help you write your welcome series (the first series your new subscriber gets from you) so that you don’t have to be stressed out about what to say, how many emails to send and how often you should send them. It’s all in this handy dandy guide that you can go download at
Ready for that bonus tip?
Tune in to the entire episode here.
That’s a wrap for this episode on three tips to create compelling follow-up emails.
Thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you next week.
Now, go write some kick a#* emails,~ Alisa